
Regulation for

Regulations for Banning Ragging & Anti-ragging Measures


These Regulations shall be called ‘Regulations for Banning Ragging & Anti- Ragging Measures’.

2. AIM

To root out ragging in all its forms from the University by instituting stringent anti- ragging measures and provisions for strict punishments to defaulters.


(1) Supreme Court Orders

(2) UGC Regulations and Guidelines


(1) Any disorderly conduct whether by words spoken or written or by an act which has the effect of teasing, treating or handling with rudeness or any other student.

(2) Indulging in rowdy or undisciplined activities which causes or is likely to cause annoyance, hardship or psychological or physical harm or to raise fear or apprehension thereof in a fresher or any other student.

(3) Asking the students to do any act or perform something which such student will not in the ordinary course and which has the effect of causing or generating a sense of shame or embarrassment so as to adversely affect the physique or psyche of a fresher or any other student.

(4) Teasing, embarrassing, humiliating, assaulting or using criminal force or criminal intimidation, wrongful restraining or confining or causing grievous hurt, kidnapping, extortion or molesting or committing unnatural offences or causing death or abetting suicide & criminal trespass.


(1) Ragging within the University Campus including its Institutions/Departments and Hostels is strictly prohibited.

(2) Ragging in any form is prohibited also in the private lodges/buildings where University students are staying.

(3) Ragging in any form is prohibited in Hostel, Mess, Canteen, Cafeteria & Transport (College & Private).

(4) No person including students/staff/faculty shall participate or abet or propagate ragging in any form.


Ragging is a cognizable offence under the law and the punishment to be meted out has to be exemplary and justifiably harsh to act as a deterrent. It may include one or more of the following:

(1) Cancellation of admission, suspension, rustication or expulsion from the University/Hostel

(2) FIR with the police and arrest

(3) Collective punishment may be imposed where involved persons are not identified


(1) Before Admissions

  • Application Form at the time of Registration contains Anti Ragging Undertaking which is to be signed by the Student and Parent.
  • A student will not be admitted/registered until the Undertaking mentioned above is submitted.

(2) On Admission & Registration

  • Every student, at the time of Registration will be given a Leaflet giving details of Anti-Ragging Regulation for which he/she will sign having received it and its Record will be maintained in the Institution.
  • The Leaflet will have a ‘Section for Freshers’ which will give instructions on whom to contact in case of incidence or attempt at ragging. This would include contact mobile numbers Program Heads and selected persons from General Administration, Anti-Ragging Committees.

(3) Particulars required at the time of Registration

  • Every non-hostel student, at the time of Registration will provide full particulars of his stay during the semester, whether staying with parents, relatives, friends, hired hostel/PG accommodation.


(1) Anti-Ragging Committees

  • The University will form an “Anti-Ragging Committee” headed by the Director/Deputy Director/Programme Coordinator. It will comprise of selected faculty members, parents, students from the freshers category as well as seniors and selected non-teaching staff.
  • The Committee will also maintain alert vigil at all times and ensure that the Anti-Ragging Squads of the Institutions carry out their functions properly.

(2) Anti-Ragging Squads

  • Each Director/Deputy Director/Programme Coordinator will constitute a number of Anti-Ragging Squads. The number of squads will be based on the number of blocks/floors and strength of the students so that the Anti-Ragging Measures can be effectively implemented.
  • The Squads will also have the responsibility to investigate incidences of ragging and to report to the Anti-Ragging Committee for immediate action / punishment wherever required.

(3) Anti-Ragging Patrols
Anti-Ragging Patrols consists of Faculty & Security Personnel. Anti-Ragging Patrols will operate when students are on Campus and also in various hostels, lodges, PG accommodation clusters outside the Campus, particularly where freshers are staying.


(1) Anti-Ragging Squads and Anti-Ragging Patrols will immediately report any incidence of ragging or abetment to ragging noticed by them to the Anti- Ragging Control Room immediately and also to the Anti-Ragging Committee of each Institution.

(2) Official in-charge of the Anti-Ragging Control Room will take immediate action as per the situation which may include:

  • Immediate suspension of involved students
  • Sending reinforcements or any medical help if required.
  • Forward the main gist/report of incident to the Anti-Ragging Monitoring Cell, Anti-Ragging Board and Anti-Ragging Committee.

(3) The Anti-Ragging Board/Anti-Ragging Committee will examine the report received from the official on duty/Squad/Patrols and recommend appropriate punishment which will be awarded after the approval of the Chairperson, Anti- Ragging Monitoring Cell.


A systematic Freshers’ Introductions/Get-Together party will be organized by various Institutions as per policy issued by the Vice-Chancellor which would conform with the decorum and dignity as expected by the University and act as a forerunner for introductions and ice breaking between seniors and freshers.